The best laptops for business-savvy people on the go
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Many people need computers for work. While these devices are powerful and seem to offer endless possibilities, they are not exactly portable. If you only have a desktop computer, you can’t just work in another room or on the go. Fortunately, there are laptops that provide this portability.
Although laptops may sometimes have limitations in terms of performance and storage space, they are an essential device for anyone who doesn’t like to work in one place. Whether you want to make use of your daily commute or simply have the ability to move when your work environment isn’t productive, laptops are incredibly helpful. Which ones are the best?
The Microsoft Surface Book comes with a detachable keyboard

Microsoft has a knack for releasing great devices, and the Surface Book is an excellent example. With a detachable keyboard, it can be used as both a laptop and a tablet – ideal if you like to switch between the two. Since the Surface Book can function as a tablet, it also features touchscreen capabilities, a useful feature often lacking in desktop computers. With a screen resolution of 3,000 x 2,000 on a 13.5-inch display, you get crisp images with this device. The reported price of around $1,500 and more may understandably be off-putting for some people. However, if it’s a device you’ll be using constantly, the investment could be well worth it.
The Dell XPS 13 is a true powerhouse

Although laptops tend to be less powerful than many desktop computers, that doesn’t mean these devices are weak. Some, like the Dell XPS 13, still pack plenty of power, so you don’t have to worry about limitations. In addition to its power, the device offers a 13-inch display with a screen resolution of 3,200 x 1,800 and a pixel density of 276 pixels per inch. The Dell XPS 13 also features backlighting to make typing in low-light conditions easier and has two USB 3.0 ports. And for those concerned about their laptop fitting into their bag, it’s reportedly no thicker than 0.6 inches and weighs less than three pounds. With a price under $1,000, it’s definitely worth considering.
The Lenovo LaVie Z is a sleek option for on-the-go
A laptop that’s more expensive than the Dell XPS 13 but not as pricey as the Microsoft Surface Book is the Lenovo LaVie Z. This lightweight model weighs only 1.87 pounds but still offers a 13.3-inch display with a resolution of 2,560 x 1,440. With a thickness of just 0.67 inches, it can easily fit into any bag. Moreover, some configurations of the laptop allow for a 360-degree folding of the screen. It accomplishes all this while still being a powerful machine, so it should meet your device’s demands. However, be sure to handle it with care, as you wouldn’t want to replace something so expensive anytime soon.
The Toshiba Chromebook 2 is a more affordable option
Wenn Ihnen diese Preise etwas zu hoch sind, könnte Ihnen vielleicht ein Laptop wie das Toshiba Chromebook 2 eher zusagen. Mit Preisen von rund 300 bis 350 US-Dollar ist es besser für diejenigen geeignet, die nicht zu viel für ein Gerät ausgeben möchten. Sie könnten jedoch besorgt sein, dass ein erheblicher Preisnachlass bedeutet, dass die Qualität des Laptops deutlich niedriger ist. Zum Glück ist das nicht wirklich der Fall. Sie erhalten immer noch ein 13,3-Zoll-Display mit einer HD-Bildschirmauflösung von 1920 x 1080 sowie eine hervorragende Akkulaufzeit, um Sie am Laufen zu halten, wenn keine Ladeanschlüsse in der Nähe sind. Obwohl die Rechenleistung schwächer ist als bei einigen anderen Geräten, kann das Toshiba Chromebook 2 dennoch einiges bewältigen, insbesondere wenn Sie nur die Grundlagen nutzen möchten.
Das 13-Zoll Apple MacBook Air wird immer eine beliebte Wahl sein.

Apple knows how to create devices that millions of people want to use, with their range of Macs being particularly popular. So, it may not come as a surprise that the company’s 13-inch MacBook Air lands on this list of the best laptops for businesspeople on the go. Admittedly, the device has some downsides, including no touchscreen capabilities and a screen resolution of only 1440 x 900. But while it may be weak in these areas, the MacBook Air offers a powerful processor, a strong battery, and a sleek design that makes it perfect for portability. If you like the features of a desktop Mac, you’ll likely find them perfectly matched in a laptop. The higher price tag of $1,300 and more may not even bother you much.
Given the typical costs of the best laptops, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting an excellent deal before committing to anything. Hopefully, one of these devices appeals to you, and the variety of features gives you the confidence you need to spend your money.
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